Vue JS Best Practices

Naming Conventions
Always Use Multi-Word
Use PascalCase or kebab-case for single file components
Use prefix for Base Component names  (e.g.: BaseTable or AppTable
Use The for Single Instance Component names  (e.g.: TheHeader or TheSidebar)
Use parent component name as prefix for tightly coupled child components

  | - TodoList.vue
  | - TodoListItem.vue
  | - TodoListItemButton.vue

Props should always use camelCase during declaration, but kebab-case in templates and JSX
props: {
  greetingText: String
<WelcomeMessage greeting-text="hi"/>

Best Practices.
Component data must be a function
// Bad
export default {
  data: {
    foo: 'bar'  

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      foo: 'bar'

Prop definitions should be as detailed as possible.
// This is only OK when prototyping
props: ['status']

props: {
  status: String

Always use key with v-for
    v-for="todo in todos"

Never use v-if on the same element as v-for.
// Bad
    v-for="user in users"
// Good
    v-for="user in activeUsers"

Directive shorthands  (: for v-bind: and @ for v-on:)  should be used always or never.
// Bad

// Good

// Also Good